Keller Williams Real Estate Center of Illinois - Kelly Harris

Why Keller Williams?

Why work with a Keller Williams agent? It’s simple.

When you choose to work with a KW agent, you’re partnering with a highly trained professional that has the backing of the world’s largest real estate company, consisting of 180,000+ associates around the globe. That puts your search in the hands of the largest, most resourceful real estate network.

Aside from knowing the market inside and out, Keller Williams agents also have a reputation for being involved in the community. They know what makes each one unique. The personalities and the places, the new and the established, the good and that-which-has-seen-better-days; all feed their local knowledge to help you when decision time comes.

And, by choosing to partner with the Keller Williams family, you gain access to a suite of technology that keeps you informed with rich, data-fueled insights and updates with what’s happening in the neighborhoods and properties you’re eyeing. Based on customer and agent feedback gathered from all over the world, Keller Williams has developed a suite of leading edge, customer-centric tools that work in your favor, complementing your experience for faster, best-in-class results.

Most importantly, Keller Williams was built on a simple-yet-revolutionary principle: People are what matter most. To help cement this understanding, we’ve formalized a belief system that guides how we treat each other and how we do business.

  • Win-Win: or no deal
  • Integrity: do the right thing
  • Customers: always come first
  • Commitment: in all things
  • Communication: seek first to understand
  • Creativity: ideas before results
  • Teamwork: together everyone achieves more
  • Trust: starts with honesty
  • Equity: opportunities for all
  • Success: results through people

When you work with a KW agent, rest assured that you are working with someone who possesses an exceptional skill set who will serve your real estate needs.

Kelly Harris
ライセンス #: 475176104
The Angela Roderick Team - Keller Williams Real Estate Center of Illinois


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