Keller Williams Real Estate Center of Illinois - Kelly Harris

The Power of Gratitude

Read Time: 3 Mins

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GRATITUDE - It’s a POWERFUL emotion expressing thanks. It’s an emotion we don’t always show, some days are just hard. Many weeks seem like a constant grind and the days filled with sunshine can be few and far between. Well guess what - We can’t always change that. What we CAN change is the way we think, the way we express ourselves, and the way we can make others feel.

Speaking from experience - I float through so many days just surviving. Surviving and thriving to be the best real estate agent, best partner, best sister and aunt, best daughter and best friend. In reality, it just isn’t possible to be ALL the things and be perfect at everything. We all have that picture perfect expectation of ourselves so we run ourselves ragged and rarely accomplish what we set out to do. We get down, we get discouraged, and sometimes get just downright hateful....and for what? Just to be and act miserable? I struggled for years with figuring out what fills my cup and how to get through the days that seem to never end or go as planned. Come to find out - the easiest thing to do has always been from within...It’s showing GRATITUDE. There is ALWAYS something and someone to be thankful for.

Here are just a few ideas I wanted to share -
1. Start a gratitude jar at home or work
When something good happens or you are thankful for someone or something - Write it down and throw it in the jar! On hard days, open it back up and read through all the positive vibes.
2. Start a gratitude journal
Write down 3-5 positive thoughts every morning. What better way to start the day than with a happy mindset!
3. Gratitude letters
MY favorite. I used to do this..then I stopped. I then realized just recently that I missed this in my life. It was something that used to make me happy and I would receive messages from the recipients on how it made them feel special and appreciated. So I am back on it! Everyday I am in the office, I will pick 3 random people (family, friends, clients, strangers that need some extra love...etc) and I will write them a personal note of gratitude and stick it in the mail or shoot off that text/email. Let’s just sprinkle it everywhere because that’s what makes the world a better place.
4. Gratitude Reminders
- Set your phone background to a variety of changing photos of people and things that you are grateful for. My daughter did this recently on my phone and throughout the day when I open my phone it’s a new photo of someone or something that makes me smile and sometimes even cry. This little change has seriously made my days better. DO IT!
- Go outside, enjoy the natural beauty of nature and soak up all the feels. So many little things we take for granted everyday, just pause and be thankful.

There are people that enrich our lives - You know...the ones that make you smile just by seeing their name on a text or hearing their voice on the other line. I love my people. Instead of focusing on the what we wish was happening or wish we had, I encourage everyone to take a moment and think of all the blessings you already have and the people you have beside you. Showing gratitude can not only deepen your relationship with others, it can help reduce anxiety and increase our mental strength to navigate all the curve balls life throws our way.

So, how do we show gratitude through the most difficult times?
Let’s be honest, it can be hard to find anything positive in the worst of times. Fear, sadness, and uncertainty is real and these are emotions we all have to embrace at times. It’s not fun, it’s not preferred, but it’s here. For me, it’s finding the little wins and the glimpses of hope. It’s having faith over fear. It’s loving those we adore unconditionally and being present when we are with them. Again, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, find the something and focus on that.

I truly feel when we start to focus on gratitude, we will all start to see the world differently.

So that’s GRATITUDE in a nutshell for me. It’s a work in progress, but I can promise each and every one of you reading this - I am THANKFUL...thankful you are here, thankful for your support, and thankful to be a part of this life together.

- Written by Angie and slighly modified by me :)

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